Course Name: Health Promotion and Behaviour Change

Course Code: THPBC 244

Course Level: Year 2 Semester 2

Contact hours: 105

Credit Units: 4



Health promotion enables people to increase control over their own health. It covers a wide range of social and environmental interventions that are designed to benefit and protect individual people’s health and quality of life by addressing and preventing the root causes of ill health, not just focusing on treatment and cure [WHO, 2016].  Thus, it is imperative in any health and safety campaigns.  The main determinants of health are people’s cultural, social, economic and environmental living and working conditions and also their social and personal behaviours that are strongly influenced by those conditions.


Learning Outcomes:

1.      Evaluate concepts, principles and models of health promotion,

2.      Describe the role of health promotion in influencing the determinants of health in relation to OSH,

3.      Analyse the underlying approaches and methods in the practice of health promotion in the workplace

4.      Understand how the different behaviour models/theories can assist in compliance of safety and health


Teaching Methods:

Modified lectures, individual and group presentations and problem based learning



3 weeks



Continuous assignments/practicals [40%], and final examination [60%]. 


Course Content:

1.      Definition and scope of Health Promotion

2.      History of HP and HP charters

3.      Approaches to HP

4.      Behaviour theories and their uses

5.      Worker participation [Pretty’s ladder]

6.      Partnership for healthy-working:

7.      Social determinants of health

8.      Settings approach


Study Materials:


1.      Amdam, R. 2012. Planning in Health Promotion Work: Am Empowerment Model.

2.      Bonner, A. 2017. Social Determinants of Health: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Social Inequity and Well-being.

3.      Day, A. and Kelloway, E.K. 2014. Workplace Well-being: How to Build Psychological Health Workplaces.

4.      Eldredge, L.K.B. & Markham, C.M. 2016. Planning Health Promotion Programs: An Intervention Mapping Approach.

5.      Glanz, K., Rimer, B. and Viswanath, K. 2015. Health Behaviour and Health Education.

6.      Green, J. & Cross, R. 2019. Health Promotion: Planning & Strategies

7.      Green, J. and Tones, K. 2015. Health Promotion: Planning and Strategies.

8.      Hilliard, M.E.,Riekert , K.A., Ockene, J.K. &Pbert, L. 2018. The Handbook of Health Behavior Change

9.      Hodgins, M. and Fleming, P. 2016. Promoting Health and Well-being in the Workplace: Beyond the Statutory Imperative.

10.  Hubley, J &Copeman, J. 2020. Practical Health Promotion

11.  Laverack, G. 2013. Health Activism: Foundations and Strategies.

12.  Laverack, G. 2015. Public Health: Power, Empowerment and Professional Practice.

13.  Laverack, G. 2017. Health promotion in Disease Outbreaks and Health Emergencies.

14.  Naidoo, J. and Wills, J. 2016. Foundations of Health Promotion.

15.  Norton, P. and Hughes, M. 2017. Public Consultation and Community Involvement in Planning: Twenty-first Century Guide.

16.  O’Donnell, M.P. 2017. Health Promotion in the Workplace.

17.  Prestwich, A. 2017. Health Behavior Change: Theories, Methods and Interventions