The management of Occupational Safety, Health and Environment (OSHE) is a core value of a successful economy or society. Effective management requires development and implementation of policies, programmes, plans, procedures, processes and practices relevant to Occupational Safety and Health. The success and sustainability of such management arrangements is inclined on proper understanding of the basic principles of Occupational Safety and Health; the relevance of the subject in organisational management, and the understanding of individual obligations or responsibilities.  

Learning Outcomes:

·         Outline the scope and nature of occupational health and safety.

·         Explain the moral, social and economic reasons for maintaining and promoting good standards of health and safety in the workplace.

·         Explain the role of national governments and international bodies in formulating a framework for the regulation of health and safety.

·         Explain the key elements of a health and safety management system.

·         Explain the purpose and importance of setting policy for health and safety.

·         Describe the key features and appropriate content of an effective health and safety policy.


2 weeks

Teaching Methods:

Modified lecture, individual & group assignments and presentations, videos, case studies and Problem based learning.


Assessment Criteria:

Continuous assignments/practicals [40%], and final examination [60%]. 


Course Content:

·         Foundations of Occupational Safety & Health

·         Reasons for Managing Safety and Health

·         Safety & Health: Who’s Responsibility?

o   The Role of the Safety and Health Practitioner/Specialist

·         The Multidisciplinary Nature of Safety & Health

·         Health and Safety Management Systems (Policy, Organizing, Planning, and Performance Monitoring, Auditing & Management Review)

o   ILO OSH 2001

o   OHSAS 18001

·         Operational Safety and Health Standards

·         Integrated Management Systems (ISO 9001, ISO 18001, ISO 14001)


Study Materials:

1.      Alli, B.O. 2008.Fundamental Principles of Occupational Health and Safety.

2.      Friend M. J. and Kohn, J. 2018. Fundamentals of Occupational Safety and Health.

3.      ILO. 2013. Conventions, Recommendations and Codes of Practice

4.      ILO. 2013Occupational Safety and Health Encyclopedia,.

5.      McKinnon, R.C. 2019. The Design, Implementation, and Audit of Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (Workplace Safety, Risk Management, and Industrial Hygiene)

6.      Rapid Results College Limited, 2015. Controlling Workplace Hazards.

7.      Rapid Results College Limited, 2015. Management of International Health and Safety.

8.      Reese C. D. 2017. Occupational Safety and Health: Fundamental, Principles and Philosophies.

9.      Sojka, M. 2017.Introduction to Safety Engineering.

10.  The Employment Act

11.  The Occupational Safety and Health Act, No.9 of 2006.

12.  The Workers’ Compensation Act